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Girls to the fore at Tamworth

Story and photos John Elliott


Mick McDonald, Kandos, NSW with his bright blue Holden ute.


Col Findlay was third in the fender-bender event.

The girls were the real winners at the third Great Aussie Ute Muster in Tamworth over the Australia Day long weekend.

Louise Hola won a bundle of awards including grand champion with her hot red Ford ute, and Jenny White mixed it with the blokes in the circle work, receiving the encouragement award for her ability to kick up dust.

The girls' efforts may set a new direction in ute competitions - not only will there be the usual Holden vs Ford tussle, but now the battle of the sexes too!

The event attracted 178 utes from all over Australia, one travelling from Geraldton, WA. Many owners were dedicated country music fans in town for the 30th Golden Guitar Awards held the previous evening.

Several country music stars competed in a fender bender race. Adam Brand showed off his brand new Ford racing ute and his newly acquired Cams licence, and won the race, with Troy Cassar-Daly coming second and Col Finlay third.

Organiser Carol Johnson said the event, usually held on the Saturday of the long weekend, will probably continue in the new Sunday afternoon slot. Story end

Full story and more pictures: Issue 22, April/ May 2002

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