Ute power
By John Bryant
owns the most powerful ute in Australia? Trevor Peterson, that's who! Sitting
in the cabin of his Falcon AU XLS ute, using his mobile phone and laptop,
Trevor can switch the lights off in the Prime Minister's offices, Stadium
Australia, the new National Museum in Canberra, or in any one of dozens of
strategic locations around Australia.
Not many ute owners wield THAT much clout! Trevor started out as an average electrician, but soon grew tired of wiring factories and chasing short circuits.
About ten years ago he set up Sydney-based Back to Basics Electrical Services, specialising in checking and commissioning electrical installations. Using his laptop PC, Trevor can dial up any of his national clients to check their operating equipment, taking remedial action if required.
Being one of the first in this hi-tech field, Trevor has blended his own highly innovative approach with advancing technology to do things others only dream about. But, when it comes to utes, Trevor confesses a weakness for Fords. "I've owned a total of 34 Ford vehicles, and my current AU Falcon is my ninth Ford ute," he says.
Why an AU? "Well, I reckon that any ute that
will carry a full load and get me from Sydney to Brisbane on one tank of
petrol has to be the way to go. Also, I can load her with 750kg of batteries,
plus pull a 1790kg scissor lift and trailer, and she just barrels along."
Full story: Issue 17, June/July 2001