Trail to the nation's heart
Story Rebel Black
Photos Matthew Newton
The tranquil stillness in the early hours of a brisk autumn morning is broken
only by the crunch of gravel under foot and wallabies scurrying up rocky outcrops.
It is a perfect time of day for walking.
The rocks are blazing red, wildlife is ever-alert and it feels as if there is not a breath of wind, although your skin tingles from the cool.
The sun is sneaking above the horizon, dusting everything with a bright
yellow glow. Only the white gums stand unchanged, shimmering their stark silver
grey in the early morning light.
smells sweet and although there is no remaining dew, it is the dampness that
makes the morning fruity. Your senses are heightened, your lungs filled with
clean air and you feel that you are the only person alive.
And with good reason - you are on the Larapinta Trail.
Thirteen years after walkers had access to the first section of the 223-kilometre
trek, the full Larapinta Trail was officially opened in April. Regarded as
one of the world's great walking experiences, it meanders through, over
and around central Australia's West MacDonnell Ranges from Alice Springs
to Mount Sonder.
Originally intended for experienced walkers, the trail covers some of the
most magnificent and spiritually-enriching country in the Red Centre, offering
an unforgettable experience for both fanatical bush walkers and casual trekkers.
The Larapinta Trail allows walkers to not only see, but to become part of
the ranges, low-lying saltbush country and baron river-beds that comprise
West MacDonnell National Park.
Because walkers can enter and exit the track at numerous locations, including the many gaps and gorges along the ranges, it isn't necessary to complete the whole walk to experience the trail's magic.
Full story: Issue 23, June/July 2002